5 Quick Ways to Alleviate Your Stress

3 min readSep 26, 2023


The question is not how you can control your situation. But the question is, how can you control your mind?

According to a 2022 survey, 73% of employees worldwide stated that their stress level was usually high or moderate. Stress is everyone’s part of life in one form or the other. You do not have power over your circumstances, but you do have the power to direct the ways you respond to them.

There are a lot of long-term ways to cope with anxiety and stress. Yet, when you are at breaking point in emergency settings, you need something more reachable, practical, and immediate to relieve your burnout.

Here are 5 tips for quick relief.

Take Control of Your Breath

Research has shown that taking conscious control of your breathing has therapeutic potential to improve your mental health. For this purpose;

  • Find a quiet, comfortable spot.to sit, preferably
  • Close your eyes and take a slow deep breath through your nose
  • Try to hold your breath in your stomach for a few seconds
  • Now, exhale slowly through your mouth
  • Repeat the process at least four times

The breathing process is highly connected with stress levels. Slow and controlled breathing helps you to detach yourself from intrusive thoughts.

Do Progressive Muscles Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation is a process of stretching and relaxing one group of muscles at a time. It involves deep muscle relaxation.

One way to try out this technique is to start working from your toes up to your neck and head. To start with, find a peaceful place and sit. Contract the muscles of your toes and feet for a few seconds and then relax. Repeat the cycle. Keep moving up your body until you reach your forehead. By then, you will feel quite relaxed.

Enjoy an Inciting Music

Music has significant stress-reducing effects. It is a common source for uplifting mood and alleviating stress. A study has revealed that listening to music is directly connected with relaxation, and it lowers the cortisol level (primary stress hormone). As music is a quick stress reliever, so, wear your headphones, turn up the volume, and let them absorb your stress and provide you with chill full distraction.

Drink Water

Your brain contains 75% water, and it has a powerful psychological effect on your body. Research has revealed that the level of hydration in your body will decide your coping response towards stress. While riding on the edge, drinking a glass of water can calm your nerves immediately. In addition to, getting a chill splash, taking a cold shower or even holding a chilly drink next to your face can relax your nervous system.

Take a Walk

Even a 10 to 15-minute walk can lower your stress and elevate your mood. It makes sense as any type of physical activity releases endorphins, which in turn boost your sense of well-being. Every time you want to snap someone’s head off, go for a walk and get someone on the phone to add on.


Stress can cause irritation, rage, exhaustion, muscle pain, digestive problems, and trouble sleeping. Quick relievers such as taking deep breaths, practicing muscle relaxation, going for a walk, enjoying music, or a chilly drink can help you kick back into your life with recharge batteries. You can practice these tools on a daily basis to work them better for you.

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